Picture Framing
Common causes and solutions to prevent and fix visible paint lines
Q. I have finished painting my internal walls with Bauwerk Limewash but I can see a thick line running along the edges of my walls. What went wrong?
When a noticeable line occurs along the edge of your walls, this is called 'picture framing'. This is due to preparation application issues when applying either undercoat sealer/ primer or Bauwerk Prep Coat. This can be due to the difference in absorbency levels of the sealer or Prep Coat between the rolled and brushed areas on the wall, becoming apparent as a visible difference in colour after limewash paint has been applied to the wall.
To avoid 'picture framing' it is important to cut-in and roll simultaneously, blending the brushed cutting-in areas with rolled areas wet in wet. This will avoid a defined, obvious frame around the room and also around light fittings and power points.

Q. How do I fix 'picture framing' on my walls?
To fix a 'picture framing' effect on your limewash finish, begin by properly preparing the surface. While re-priming isn't necessary, you will need to reapply a coat of Bauwerk Prep Coat. Be sure to cut in and roll simultaneously, blending the brushed cutting-in areas with the rolled sections while both are still wet. After that, you can proceed with applying your Limewash Paint.